Low emission zone in Antwerp
Antwerp's ambition is cleaner and healthier air, which is why it will ban the most polluting vehicles from the city centre as of 1 February 2017. Are you planning to come to Antwerp with your vehicle? Do you have customers who intend to travel to Antwerp by car or with their camper van? Find out how the low emission zone will affect you and your customers.
The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) comprises the entire city centre and part of Linkeroever/the Left Bank. The zone is designated with a special road sign.
May my car enter the zone?
Your vehicle's Euro standard will determine wether your vehicle may enter the zone. Click here for the online test. You will immediately know wether your vehicle is admitted to the LEZ.
Vehicles will be checked with automatic number plate recognition cameras. If you enter the zone with a vehicle that is not admitted, you will receive a fine.
Mandatory registration for all foreign number plates (except Dutch number plates)
Do you want to enter the zone with a foreign number plate (not Belgian or Dutch)? Then you must use this tool, and register once-only, even if your vehicle may enter the zone. Registration is free and can be done up to 24 hours after entering the zone. There is no need to register a vehicle that may enter the zone, with a Dutch number plate.
Temporary permits for some vehicles
You can request a temporary permit against payment for some vehicles that do not comply with the conditions for entry. This includes diesel vehicles with Euro standard 3 without a DPF (diesel particulate filter) or vehicles older than 40 years. You must request this permit beforehand at https://www.slimnaarantwerpen.be/en/lez.
LEZ day pass
Do you drive a vehicle that does not comply with the conditions and is not eligible for a temporary permit? Do you want to enter the LEZ anyway? Than you can purchase an LEZ day pass maximum eight times a year. This pass is available online or can be purchased from the parking meters in the city centre.